Tacumshin Lake is a coastal lagoon annexed as a priority habitat in the EU Habitats Directive. The lagoon is located behind Ireland’s Great Barrier Coast, one of the finest barrier coastlines in Europe.
The area is a haven for wildfowl and wading birds and is one of the most important ornithological sites in Ireland. The occurrence of internationally important populations of Whooper Swan and Black-tailed Godwit is of especial note. The site is of special conservation interest for holding an assemblage of over 20,000 wintering waterbirds.
The waterfowl population of the lagoon is exceptionally diverse, and the area supports large numbers of birds throughout the year, an unusual feature among Irish wetlands. The site is notable for passage waders and vagrant North American and Eurasian waterfowl.
Tacumshin Lake is a Special Protection Area (SPA) IE0004092 for fourteen named species of grebe, swans, ducks, waders and other wetland and waterbirds. The site is Special Area of Conservation (SAC) IE0000709 for its lagoon, sand dunes and other barrier habitats.

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